Thursday, March 22, 2007

To much Czech for me!!

Kelsi: Ok so you know how I said I had a way better story for you after the Paris one.... well I wasn’t lying except this one takes place in the Czech territory! Well here is the thing when we first got here I was so dead set on wanting to go somewhere around the Czech territory. You see I am like 95 percent Czechoslovakian and so I wanted to go somewhere where my ancestors had once been. But here is the thing. Czechoslovakia split and became the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Well I didn’t really know what area they were from and one of my family friends had went to Slovakia and actually saw a house that had our last name on the mailbox. I thought this was so cool but I didn’t get a chance to ask him where he went so anyways long story short we decided since we didn’t know what part to go to that we wouldn’t plan a trip there. Haha well what we didn’t know was we would be coming very familiar with this place in the future. Haha ok so on the weekend of March 8 is where it all began. You see we didn’t have anywhere to go that weekend and so we decided to go to Prague which is in the Czech Republic because we had wanted to go there originally but couldn’t because it didn’t fit into our schedule. So we were planning to go there when our friend more like brother Kellen said he wanted to go as well. So we were so excited since there was going to be 3 of and a guy which is safer and se we went and scheduled an overnight train cart. Ok so we got a train for a 6 sleeper that left at around 10 something that night. Oh I forgot to mention that ok I wanted to go really bad but I had a huge midterm that Monday. Ok now most of the classes over here are slacking classes but me Ms. Lucky get the hardest teacher for international management and its far from a basket weaving class my dad likes to call a slacking class. So after going back and forth and even calling the parents and asking what I should do I decided to go... I mean come on even if I did decide to stay in Florence I wouldn’t study I would find something to do to past the time so hey I mine as well travel I mean after all that is what I am here for. But I did say we have to make sure we can be back Sunday afternoon so I can pretty much cram that night for the exam that next morning at 9 a.m. Well the thing is that it takes about a day of traveling to get there and so like in Paris we got back Monday at 8 a.m. and so now we would have to cut the trip short and leave sat. night. Well after talking about it they said they wouldn’t mind and so we were off to Prague. Kellen haha let me just say is a little spaz!! He is full of energy and never sits still but he is our bestest bestest friend over here. We got on the train again with our hoodies and put the beds down ate our McDonalds that me and MSD make a ritual of doing before we go and travel anywhere. Cheeseburger happy meal with sprite is the ritualistic meal!! We slept through the night and when we woke up we were in Prague. We were so excited. Once we got there we knew we had to go ahead and buy our train ticket back for sat. evening and also get the Czech crowns money cuz they don’t use the euro over there. We had to wait to buy our ticket back because the Czech Republic is not covered by the Eurail Pass which is what we all 3 had. I had 3 countries being Italy, Spain, and Greece, MSD having all those plus Austria, and Kellen had global. This pass gets us through the borders and for really cheap!! So neways we went to the information desk and started to talk to this lady who was so nice. We were asking her about times to come back and the latest one that we could take sat. night so we could still hang out sat. Well we were there for awhile. Long enough for 4 people to leave, one to talk bad to us then walk away, and another to approach us and ask the lady in slovakian language something haha but the nice woman that was waiting on us said something mean to her and was taking up for us cuz that woman gave us a mean look and walked away!! It was awesome and I was loving my people... the first foreigner to ever take our side over one of their own. So after sitting there forever she told us a bunch of diff. times and we could of all sworn she said there was one that left at 10:06 p.m. sat night. Her english wasn’t very good by the way. But I asked her 2 times and so did Kellen and she confirmed that time, so we got out tickets and were on our way. When we were leaving the train station we saw a sign that said KONEC !!! crazy its my last name without the n and y. That part means last and well my name is never seen anywhere it was so cool to see that sign!! We walked to the hostel and checked in which oh yea MSD was really nervous because she picked it out and she was hoping that it would be good. Well she did better than good she did awesome :) She had talked to some people who told her to get a hostel in Old Town because it is safer and closer to everything. You see in Prague there is Old Town and New Town... Old Town safe, tourist area, close to everything part, New Town very bad, stay away, don’t go near!! So back to the story we got to the hostel and it was like staying at a church camp or something. There was a huge leaving room type thing with people in there just hanging out and then out room was a 5 bunk room. It was cool it was really clean and very safe feeling. We decided to take showers and get dressed for the evening since it was already like 5 something. The showers did not lock and so we made Kellen keep watch for us. It was mixed bathrooms kind of awkward I know. After we got dressed we walked around the beautiful city of Prague. It was gorgeous and so peaceful and clean and everyone was so nice. We went to eat at this place where I ordered something that my Pepaw use to make which is called beef stroganauf (not sure how to spell it). My Pepaw was the best cook ever and he always made the most amazing food ever!! He used to make these 2 dishes that the Czechs made. It was so good and it was almost as good as Pepaw’s but what can I say I’m bias!! We also had some of the best beer. Ok so they are known for their beer which is the Pilsner being the best and also the first beer that the Czechs ever made. We walked around for a little bit and then went back and went to sleep. The next morning we got up early and were off to see the sights. We went over the bridge St. Charles bridge maybe im not sure MSD will correct me if I get it wrong. Hehe We also went to the castle which was really cool. OMG we had to climb so many steps to get to the top it was nuts!! After that we went and had lunch at this awesome place MSD picked. It was right on the water and overlooked the bridge. Oh yea the bridge was in the movie Vin Diesel, Mission Impossible and some others. It is a cool bridge and it has these gothic, dark like statues lining the bridge. Oh while we were at the restaurant this really cute waiter waited on us. Haha I made a joke by saying he was my knight and shining armor and this other guy that I saw who was absolutely beautiful in Paris was called my Prince Charming. Haha I added a little character to it ;) After we did some sight seeing I had to shop well cuz since it was my ancestors I had to shop there!! I bought tons of stuff mainly for my family they would be happy to know! Haha we shopped for awhile and then we were off to go to the whole nightlife thing. Well Kellen told us that there was the pubcrawl thing at 10 p.m. so we walked back to the hostel to meet everyone for that and well hehe Kellen had gotten the time wrong. You see over here they go by military time so we are always confused. Haha so we were like oh well we can go somewhere else. So we talked to the guy at our hostel and he told us to go to this one place called Harley’s. We got there and haha wow it was like a Harley Davidson party!!! All these bikers wearing leather and some students were there. We decided to stay there anyways because we didn’t really know where else to go and we just spent the night people watching and wow was it not hilarious. These old mean and women just dancing around being absolutely crazy. Well there was this one guy who looked like our age who was pretty tipsy and kept trying to talk to us. Well as he was talking to Mary Shannon she had told him that we were "visiting my family" over here so we didn’t look like students. When she said my last name he started saying no thats my name and she was like no that is Kelsi’s last name and he was like no its mine. Well then she said spell it and his was actually Hornecny. Ok that is crazy!! He said he knew my last name and has heard it before!! I was freaking out and thought that was so cool!! Anyways the next day which was sat. we walked around and went out to eat to pass time before we had to leave. We saw this street sign that had that part of my last name on it again so I ran over there to get a picture by it and there was this homeless man digging in the trash right next to me and as MSD took the picture he stood straight up and was looking at me as I was looking at the camera. Haha it was so awkward. After the pic I started walking off and you know homeless people this guy starts following us and yelling stuff. Well Kellen starts getting behind me!! Haha we are suppose to get behind him!! Well the guy caught up with us and started talking this craziness and finally we got away from him. When we got the hostel we were packing our bags and Kellen and MSD were looking at the times on our tickets. Then there was a nice long pause followed by "the look". Ok I was like don’t look at me that way what happened. MSD says I think we might have missed our train. I was like what! No! There is no way its not til 10:06. But after looking at the ticket it said 20:06 which is 8:06!! Ok I was like lets just go there and see. Well when we got there to the station not a soul in sight and nobody there!! We walked up to the desk and this woman was not nice and she said yep you missed it. OK now im freaking out cuz I have a test Monday and needed to get to Florence on Sunday. She said there was a train at like 1 a.m. headed to Vienna, Austria which then we could change trains and get on one going to Florence. We were like ok can we get a ticket and she said no you have to go to the Central Station to do that. So we got directions, got on the metro and headed that way. Once we got there we had no idea where we were. We walked in and omg what a sight. The whole first floor was covered with bums sleeping. Keep in mind it is about 9:30 p.m. They are everywhere I mean it just looked like a looney ville. People talking to themselves and snoring on the floor. It was disgusting!! We walked immediately to the front desk another not nice woman who we talked to forever and finally got our train ticket for Vienna that left at 1a.m. OK so what in the world are we going to do until then. We first wanted to get off the first floor so headed up the stairs MSD ahead of me and she was waiting at the top when she gave me this weird look. These 2 guys were on the stairwell right beside me just hanging out well that is what I thought. When she gave me that look I thought they were eyeing me and at that point I wasn’t in the mood and so I turned to look at them and OMG they were smoking crack!!! literally had the foil and the lighter out and just was doing it like it was nothing!! Ok where the hell are we? Sorry for my language but that was what first came to my mind. I ran up the stairs and we sat at this little restaurant. We were freaking out a little bit and then we found out that we were in NEW TOWN!!! The part you weren’t suppose to be in yep we were in it... right in the middle of it!!! We ordered 2 sprites and a coke and well there were 2 bugs in mine and 3 in MSD’s. Yep pretty disgusting!! Kellen got up and was going to try and find somewhere else for us to sit because they were starting to turn off the lights and we were the only ones there and we needed to find people fast. It looked, felt, and smelt dangerous!! As MSD was talking to her dad I noticed this drunk guy just standing across the station staring at us and so I made eye contact to you know let him know I saw him and so maybe intimidate him I guess I dunno. Well then 2 other guys walked up and I was like ok stay calm and then 3 other guys came from the stairwell the crack people stairwell and I was like no eye contact freak out and where is Kellen. I asked calmly to MSD where he was and then she was like Idunno and then I started panicking and was like where is Kellen!!! Then MSD was like put on your hood. We couldn’t think of anything else to do so we put on our hoods and tried to become invisible. These guys just stood there and so me and MSD pulled out our pocket knives and held them in our hand under our hoody thinking we are protected, we will be ok. Then here comes Kellen and he says that he just got chased by a woman trying to sell herself. OK so we were like lets get out of here I mean go outside go anywhere just out of here!! We walk outside thinking we can go to a restaurant or something to sit at until we have to leave. I mean I was even saying like a hotel like just sitting in the lobby or something that is how desperate we were. We walked outside and absolutely nothing in sight!! Only huge industrial buildings and interstate for days! No anything in sight so we started walking a little bit and then I was like this isn’t any safer cuz we could get robbed on the streets because it was late and not a soul was out and then we were like ok let’s get a taxi but then we remembered that they told us not to take a taxi because they weren’t safe at all. So we were out of luck and by now we are scared and MSD is silent. That is how I know when she is scared her eyes get big and she speaks nothing! We couldn’t take the metro either cuz we don’t want to get robbed especially underground no one would be down there to help us. WOW it kept getting worse and I just kept talking it out all out loud which was prolly not to smart and was just scaring us. Well we decided to go back in the station and find a place to sit. We finally found this kind of well lit area to sit down in and took a seat. No one around except a guy with his dog and he was having a conversation with his dog! Yea crazies. Well Kellen opened up his wine tasting book and started to get MSD distracted so would think about something else. Well I spotted this one guy who walked towards us 2 times and then hid and so I just stood up thinking that I needed to be ready and if we were all sitting down we wouldn’t be able to fight back!! I mean my mind is racing with thoughts. I get my knife out and just stand up and then MSD looks at me and no words even had to be exchanged. She knew me and knew what I was thinking. We all got up and went to find somewhere else to sit and found this stairwell by the place where the employees worked and we took a seat. At this point we didn’t care in the least bit although it reminded us of a Nazi place or something it was freaky. We waited there and Kellen went and found a cop who said they were kicking out all the bums so we went down there and walked towards our train cuz it was getting closer to time and well we weren’t missing this one. We started to get on the cart and the guy looked at us and said all full. Ok my knees went weak and I thought I was going to be sick!! He said the sleeping carts were full and so we were like we have to get on I don’t care we need on this train. We started walking ahead a few carts and climbed on and found a 6 seater non sleeping cart but hey that is ok at least we were on. Kellen found these asians who were also heading to Vienna so we stayed by them. They were in the next room thing. We were getting really nervous cuz the train said it was heading to Bratislava which is the capital of Slovakia which is the place where HOSTEL was filmed. But theses asians reconfirmed over and over again that we were headed to Vienna and so did the conductor. It was a 5 hour train and we got on it and relaxed and took a nap. We would get into Vienna at 6 a.m. and we would need to catch the train to Florence at 6:30 a.m. putting us home at like 5 in the evening. So we were good and relaxed and MSD was going to run to the ticket place and buy our tickets and I was going to carry her stuff while she raced there. Well 6 a.m. came around and we jumped up and ran off the train to find MYSELF IN A NIGHTMARE!! We were in Bratislava!! OK so I talked to my mom earlier and was like haha I would never even get off the train if we ended there no way!! Ok well if we didn’t get off the train there we were headed to Hungary!!! OK Bratislava!!!! Are you kidding me!!! We lost it!!! We are freaking out when these 2 girls who are from there come up to us and are like what are you all doing here??? We were like help us we are suppose to be in Vienna, AUSTRIA!! There were 5 people to get off a 80 cart train and we were 3 of them. This girl was like no americans come here what in the world. OK we are like please help us we know we are trying to go home!!! She was so nice and translated for us to the woman working the desk and they told us that the one cart that was full that we could not get on was the one cart that we needed to be on because that one cart yes one cart was disconnected at the border and went to Vienna!!! We were not on that one cart and so we were in Slovakia!!! Bratislava might I add is the one place in Eastern Europe that you don’t go to!!!! It is so unsafe and well I felt like we were going to be sold into human trafficking or something!! Hello family heritage!!! It was awful and so this woman got us on a train to Vienna and so we got on the train and I had to get some money so as I was getting some money out of the ATM, MSD and Kellen were on the train well MSD tells the story better but the train started to move and Kellen opens the window and lets out this gut wrenching yell to say my name. Then he comes running in spazing out saying we have to go. Well now I’m mad cuz well I’m just mad so I take off running and jump on and the train wasn’t moving. It had just jolted!! Ok now I just want to kill Kellen for scaring the crap out of me!! Well we got a little laugh out and then we were in Vienna at 8 a.m. OK now we went to the train station lady and she informed us that we would have to take an overnight train at 7p.m. putting us in Florence at 6a.m. Monday morning. OK Test helloooO!!! Freaking out now yea I crying and freaking out. Well we all were. What in the world are we going to do for 12 hours? Well I found this little restaurant inside the station and I sat down and took out the books. In Austria the germans love to smoke and there is no such thing as non smoking anywhere. Smoke gives me a horrible headache however I did not have a choice! I tried to go in this one place that was all compfy but the sweet guy there told me it was for first class only!! OK are u kidding me I just need a place to study. I took a good 10 minutes away from Kellen and MSD and cried then I was good to go. Oh and then my dad called so I definitely had a breakdown with that. I mean when your daddy calls you just want to cry and freak out and of course he built me up and motivated me to study and said hey ur ok you weren’t burned at the stake or murdered so your good.haha This was very true considering the places we were just at. Haha So I sat down and studied for 12 hours never got up and kept ordering water cuz well you can’t sit if your not buying anything!! Finally 7 rolls around and we got on the train an hour early and me and MSD felt like homeless ppl. We washed our faces and teeth on the train. Ok that is so disgusting and considering the circumstances it was ok. Oh and we hadn’t washed our hair since Friday. Ok so im telling you all this because we would have but we figured would be home Sunday and well we were gross I know!! Hhaha we went to sleep fast and the overnight unsanitary, nasty, dirty, smelly, bed in the train has never felt to good!! Haha sorry if I’m grossing you all out but come on have you read what we went through. We were just glad to be alive. We made it back in Florence at 6a.m. and I seriously wanted to lay down on the street and just scream with rejoice!!! We got back and I TOOK A SHOWER and studied til my test and then went to class was the first one there and the last one to leave. I told my teacher the whole story and she thought I was nuts. This chick has been everywhere and she was like I can’t believe you were in Bratislava and I was like I KNOW YOUR TELLING ME!! And that is where my ancestors are from!! Haha I did ok on my test I think we won’t find out until next Monday but I’ll let you know how it goes!! Now that I have written a whole novel about this I think that is pretty much it!! Hey this trip deserves to have its very own blog on places to not go in Europe!!! After all this I think I have hung out with enough of my people and have had enough Czechs in my life to last me a lifetime!!!!! I love my people :)

1 comment:

Meghan said...

that totally beats my getting back to florence from paris trip.. although it might be a close tie to one of my roommates stories.. but thats just b/c she was by herself. good to hear you have having an experience to remember!