Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Kelsi: Hey everyone! I know I know it has been a while since I have posted anything. I think it is ok to say that I am a slacker! haha ok so Paris was amazing. We had to experience the overnight train for the first time and so that was very interesting to say the least. It was a 6 passenger cart and me, Kate, and MSD were in there with one other guy who was from Sri Lanka however you spell it. Well ok so it was very very small and we all had our backpacks and well it was just really a tight squeeze. As americans we are all about our personal space and what I have found out real quick is that you have to FORGET THAT when you come over here. I mean forget all of it there is no such thing as personal space over here. When we were getting ready for bed of course the beds were totally on top of each other and well you could't really move... it was one of those things like you find a position and stay in it because you aren't going to be doing much moving after that. Me and Mary Shannon brought our hoodies well because like she said there are alot of scary stories and there is nothing sanitary about a train. haha so not only did I put my hoody on my head but I also put a t-shirt of mine over the pillow as well. haha just to be safe! Like MSD we all took a sleeping pill and went to sleep and once we got there well we were somewhat rested. We got off the train and went to our hotel which Kate picked out and she did good. It was a good location and it was a nice place to stay. Oh and the shower!!! OMG was absolutely amazing. If you haven't heard our shower is awful. It is one of those handheld shower heads that you have to hold and the pressure well there is no pressure so when your washing your hair pretty much your freezing from the waist down!! haha ok but that is another story. So anyways we got ready for the night and headed out. Ok so I'm not going to go into as much detail since MSD covered it earlier and well there is a whole other trip I want to talk about so I'm just going to cover the basics. We went to the Eiffel Tower which was so awesome. We had to wait in line for about an hour and once we got in the cart going up well... I got pretty nervous. I mean there was like 50 ppl on the cart again no personal space and on top of that we are going up the Tower at an angle which isn't very fun especially if your afraid of heights. Once we got up we went to the next elevator which was taking us to the top and that WAS SCARY!! I felt the wind on our elevator and the windows were the walls so you could see everything!! WOW it was quite an experience!! Once we got up there it was freezing!! The wind was so strong!! OMG we couldn't even talk to each other once we were outside... the wind was actually feeling like it was going to blow you over. We literally were out there long enough to take a picture and appreciate it and blah blah blah then we ran back in along with everyone else. haha It was awesome though!! The next day we were suppose to go and meet our international marketing teacher named Mossimo at this fashion show. Me and Kate have his class and he wanted to take us to this fashion show so it would help for our project that we had to do at the end of our semester. Ok so well my teacher Mossimo let's just say he is anything but a teacher. He is a CEO of this huge advertising company and he teaches on the side. He is a little scatter brained and is just out there. We got all dressed up to go and meet him to get our badges to go in because it wasn't opened to the public so we had to have an i.d to get in. We were supposet to meet him there at like 2 or something and when we got there we waited and waited and waited. Mossimo oh where oh where can he be?haha We waited for a hour and then it started raining oh but wait while we were waiting Kate who wants to be in the fashion industry pointed out this girl who was carrying this huge gold bag that well to me was just too much! She then said that is a $20,000 purse!!! OMG you have got to be kidding me. She said that the guy who designs louis vouton merchandise designed this purse and only made like 20 in the world.... and well that was one of the 20. OK wow!!! crazy huh!! So anyways after waiting forever we decided to go and get lunch and while we were at lunch Mossimo calls and says that his flight was late and he would be there in 20 minutes. Ok so we ran over there and met up with him. MSD was with us so we were going to talk Mossimo into giving us another pass for her. Well he did and the funny thing is... is that I don't think he even realized that she wasn't in our class. haha so we got in and it was so cool. It was this huge trade show and like all these little different booths set up representing different designers at each one. It had all the clothes on display that were going to be next winter's hot items. I thought that was so cool but I wanted to buy so much and nothing was for sell well because it was a trade show not the mall! haha Me and MSD walked around forever in awww while Kate talked to Mossimo. hehe She does better talking to him then I do. After that was over and we had hung out there for a little bit we left cuz we had a cabaret to go to. Ok so I saw all these brochures in the hotel that was talking about Cabaret's and Moulin Rouge and I just wanted to go to one of these shows so bad cuz everyone says that you have to witness it once. Ok so we bought 3 tickets to go and we were headed that way. Ok so it was raining and we could not find the place to save our lives!! Oh and yes we did buy an umbrella which I was holding and well what do you think happened yes Ms. Bad Luck Lucy over here was holding it and the umbrella snapped in half!! Ok I have never heard of such I mean I have heard of it getting turned wrong side or that part breaking but not the freaking steel pole. It broke in two and went flying off!!! So the umbrella thing didnt't work out and so we are now almost late for our bus that is taking us to the show and we are literally running through Paris in soaking wet trying to catch the bus. We finally make it and of course everyone else is dressed all cute and we have massacara running down our faces and our hair wow you can only imagine that!! So the bus driver takes us to this square which has name that I can't think of right now but MSD might have it on hers. We got out to take pictures and when we were taking pictures of the Eiffel Tower oh which is what the square is known for which is having the best view of the Eiffel Tower anyways it started lighting up!! It was the most beautiful thing ever!!! Lights were going everywhere and it was awesome!! So we took pictures and went on our way. We dropped off these other older couples at Moulin Rouge which did I mention was beside all these sex museums and stores and wow yea we were pretty glad that we decided not to do that one. Our driver dropped us off at ours which was in a much safer area right on Champs Elsseys (Can't remember how to spell it). Anyways we knew we were in a good area. So we went in after waiting awhile and it was so nice. The place was set up like an opera show or something. I men dressed to the T took us to our seat served us champagne... it was amazing. The place was packed and the show started. Ok so yes I know these ppl weren't all the way dressed but the style of art was just amazing. They had everything from dancers to ice skating on the stage. It was one of the most interesting things I have seen yet. It was so much fun to go and see! The next day we went to the Louve which was really cool. Mary Shannon had to tell me about the Davinci Code so that I could really appreciate the Louve and the whole story that goes behind it. We saw the Mona Lisa and all the other famous artwork. It was a pretty cool day there. Of course it is soooo huge that even being there for 2 hours we still didn't see everything. Once we left I decided to go and shop while they went to another museum. Ok so I took off by myself who yes I will admit that I'm a little directionally challenged but I knew I would be ok. So Paris was my first experience with the metro which was pretty interesting. I headed off to the Champs Elysses to shop and well I followed the map but you see I am use to looking at the Florence map which is a way smaller place than Paris so when I was following the directions I didn't realize that I was an hour away from the street I mean I am usually like 5 or 10 minutes away here in Florence. Ok so I was a little upset but I was doing ok then I finally get there and well its Sunday and all the stores are closed!!! Ugh!! I was so mad!! So I was just going to get on the Metro and head back towards MSD and Kate. Well I got on the right Metro haha going the WRONG way!! Only me !!! haha thats ok I just got off and figured it out and got right back on. I was good I got lost but quickly found! Oh and I was also going to say that we went to eat Sat. night at this restaurant Buddha Bar which was totally awesome. All the lights were dim and there was this huge statue of a Buddha man in the restaurant. This place did I mention very expensive. And we got that point when we realized it was beside a hotel that costs $15,000 a night!!!! Yes a night!!! And then right outside the door was a porsche and a bentley!! haha but we had made reservations and we wanted to go so bad so we went in and got really creative. We budgeted real quick I mean a meal there was like 150 euros so we got a bunch of sushi which wasn't that expensive at all and then a less expensive glass of wine and we loved every bit of that meal. I mean sushi was like 10 euros hehe so we got really creative. We sat in that place for like 2 hours!!! It was so awesome and so peaceful cuz the lights were dim and it was so relaxing and they were so nice to us!! You all need to try it there if you ever get the chance. Just be like us and get hte sushi!! Creative financing!!! When Sunday came around we packed up and headed off to the train station. We got there and got on our train back and of course all 6 ppl were there this time. These 2 women that could not speak any english and this one guy who was a backpacker and well did't smell the best. We were a little squished and just got in our little bitty beds and went to sleep. Of course I had a quiz the next day at 9 a.m and we were to arrive in Florence at like 8. So I tried to study but it didn't really work for me!! I did ok on the quiz but hey I was in Paris!!! It was so worth it!! I will soon be writing to you all about the Czechs and that story is the best by far so keep an eye out!! Love you all and miss you all!! Talk to ya soon!

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