Monday, February 12, 2007

Mary Shannon: Hello everyone! This past week has been SO long! Last Monday we started going over what we wanted to do with our weekends over here in Europe. Surprisingly, we began realizing how 'little' time we have to travel! There are so many places to see, but only 13 weekends to do it! I know it sounds like a lot, but here's a rough idea of what we are thinking: 02\16-18 Venice for Carnivale!, 02\22-25 Interlaken, Switzerland, 03\01-4 Paris, 03\08-11 Spain, 03\16-28 family will be here, 03\29-04\01 school trip Sicily, 04\07-9 Rome on Easter, 04\12-15 Croatian beaches, 04\19-22 school trip to Amalfi Coast, Capri and Pompei, 04\26-29 Greece, 05\05 school trip Cinque Terre, then home! Most of it is still up in the air, but we will see! There are some places like Prague and Ireland that I had to give up in order to do others, but some things might still get switched around.
We really are starting to feel like Florence is home, we've cooked a little more, know how to get around better, and are started to get to meet more people in our classes. We have regular restaraunts, cafes, and pubs we like. We also have favorite walking routes, stores to window shop at, and favorite meals. (I LOVE a pomodoro e mozzarello sandwich toasted! You have to try it!! Its just sliced mozzarella with sliced fresh tomatoes on fresh bread, then use your Foreman grill or something to toast the outside! Multo bene!)
I also spent A LOT of time at the school computer lab last week. Its free, friendly, and clean. Its so relaxing to go with head phones and just sit there for hours (since we have no tv, and I didnt bring a computer its actually very therapeutic). I looked up trips, like train tickets, cheap flights, cheap hostels, where and when and how the trips will happen. You parents - I have a new found respect for you all. Though travelling is cheaper here than in the USA, websites can always be frustrating!
Last Monday, Kelsi and I went to find the bookstore to get our school books, and it took us TWO HOURS! (So ok, its still a big city to us small town girls, getting lost once or twice is allowed)! My feet were aching by the time we got home. This Thursday Kelsi and I's friends from Wisconsin and Chicago called us over to cook an Italian dinner for us! It was wonderful, they have already taught themselves to make great olive oil for dipping fresh bread in, where they buy near their apartment. Then they made penne pasta with pesto sauce Nick made. (Nick, from Chicago, has already been here a semester so he knows more Italian and how to cook). We had a glass of Chianti Kelsi and I bought at our local cafe which is amazing - called Chianti Perticavo and only £8. (By the way, Italian wines from 2005 are supposed to be really good, and 2006 is not for next time you are buying a bottle). We had so much fun sitting down in someones kitchen with a home cooked meal and good conversation. We dont get that much here since Kelsi and I cannot really cook, unless it consists of deli meat, hot dogs, or PBJs. Friday, Kelsi, Kate, Chrissy, and I went on a school trip through the Vasarian Corridor! We began at the Uffizi, which used to be the famous\infamous Medici family's bank offices! Now it holds the last finished painting by Michaelangelo which we got to see. We also saw the Birth of Venus and Primavera by Bottocelli! Primavera is my favorite! Then we walked down to this Corridor that the Medici's had built as an upper ground tunnel over Florence from the Uffizi across the Arno River to the Palazzo Piti where they lived. At this point in time, its only opened to special groups, not the public. So it was great to see! The corridor holds the largest collection of self-portraits done by the most famous artists around the world! Along with some magnificent views of the river, town, and ponte vecchio! The corridor then dumped us out at the Boboli Gardens - which we will have to go back to see completely. It was a great experience finally seeing some of the true history of Firenze, then walking three blocks to home! Now when we walk across the Ponte Vecchio bridge it has a whole new meaning!
Saturday, Kelsi, Kate, and I took a train to Montevarchi (on the way to Arezzo) where we took a costly taxi through the rolling hills of countryside to the Designer Outlet mall. I mean Dolce & Gabbana, Burberry, Gucci, Pucci, Armani, etc in this prestigiously and newly built outdoor strip outlet surrounded by a town of no significance and just vast amounts of green and yellow countryside. You would be so engrossed at how NOT inexpensive this 'discount' mall was, and then walk outside and look up and just have your breath taken away. Beautiful. (Dont worry mom and dad, we all walked away without designer fashions haha!)
Saturday night my brother called me to inform me he had opened my mail, and that...I got into nursing school at UAMS! Talk about a relief!
Yesterday, we were planning to go to Assisi, but decided too late. Then we decided we would travel to a small medievel town outside of Florence. On the way to get lunch at our favorite cafe, which is actually in the Piazza del Santo Spirito (where I got a delicious pomodoro and mozzarella and pesto panini for only £3!), we found our backyard was a huge outdoor market on the weekends! Antique, jewelry, candy, flower, and scarve stands covered the whole piazza! It was so cool, I actually bardered with two different venders! So of course, we decided to stay and check it out. Walking home, we decided to walk in a different direction. We came up on the Arno from the West and found where you could walk along the shore. We walked through the grass as the sun was sitting behind us, watching dark skies from the west move in over the northern part of Florence. There were ducks, some other white small birds, and wild geese. There is also a small dam that causes the water to cascade over it, like a small waterfall. It was peaceful. I cannot truly explain the brilliance of this city because it is ever-changing depending on the time and weather of the day.
Love you all, miss you all.


Kim M said...

Mary Shannon -
Your vivid descriptions are just awesome. As I sit in Stuttgart Arkansas on this cold rainy depressing night, I loved reading about the wonderful experiences you are enjoying! The only big news we have here is that Anna Nicole Smith died - not sure if that made the world news, but it is all over the news here!!
Kelsi, tell me more about your classes. How is the cooking class going?
Love ya
Aunt Kim

Kim M said...

We Love you and hope your day is Fabulous!
Aunt Kim and Uncle Kevin

StephF said...

Mary Shannon - you are so eloquent. It sounds gorgeous! Happy Birthday, Kelsi!

StephF said...

Mary Shannon - you are so eloquent. It sounds gorgeous! Happy Birthday, Kelsi!