Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Time to Catch Up!!

Kelsi K: Hey guys I am so sorry it has taken me forever to update everyone! Well school has started and my first class of course I got lost trying to find it so I was a little late. Well once I got in I found out my teacher claims she is British, born in Iraq, raised Muslim but now doesn't practice it, and is now an aethiest (however u spell it) Ok so let's just say I was a little overwhelmed!! The class with her is International Management which is actually going to be alot of work which isn't good news for me! All the other classes are good and I don't think are going to be alot of work at all. One class that I thought was a wine tasting class definately wasn't! Me and Mary Shannon have that class together and we walked in and our teacher was wearing a chef hat and spoke very little english. We saw all these cooking utensils and found out that we would be cooking Italian food every thursday in class! Ok so me and Mary Shannon don't cook, the only thing I can cook is spaghetti and steak if dad is there. We had to cook chicken and our teacher gave us a huge knife and we had to chop up stuff which was pretty fun! Well our meal actually turned out great! We actually enjoyed the class and cooking makes us busy so that we don't look at the clock and realize that our class is 2 and a half hours long!! :( So all in all our classes went well for the first week. I have bought a few things over here like a sweater jacket, a top, and some black boots. Ok so the boot thing is kind of different because the fashion over is no heel. So the boots that are really big here kind of look like a horse rider's boot! Well I knew I needed to stay in style so I went out on a ledge and bought a pair and I actually love them they are so comfortable! Everythings getting a little easier now for the most part well until I had to do my first load of laundry! Chrissy and Kate already had done there load so I went to put mine in and got it going, oh and let me tell you it takes about 2 hours to wash your clothes!! Well everythings was going good and I tried to get my clothes out and the door would not open. Well our landlord told us under any circumstances do not jerk the door or it would break. Well so I couldn't get the door open and I ended up having to wash my clothes 2 times and they stayed in there all day!! Gah only happens to me I am so unlucky! Oh but it does get better. I was taking a shower and Chrissy was doing the dishes, well you already know how horrible the showers are here so I was trying to take a quick shower and my body was covered in soap and shampoo was all in my hair. Well you can probally guess what happens next... the water turns off completely, we didn't even have cold water!! I just stood there for about 5 minutes of course yelling and wondering what in the world just happened when finally the cold water turns on so I had to take the coldest shower ever!! It was awful!! God has a good sense of humor I guess he was making a point by telling me to appreciate our little, no water pressure, handheld, awkward shower! haha Ok so this past weekend me, Mary Shannon, John (Wisconsin), and Joe (Wisconsin) went to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Wow that was an adventure. It was my first train ride which was really cool by the way. Once we got there of course we had to climb the tower. So up we went climbing to the very top. Did I forget to mention how afraid of heights I was!! OK it was like 295 steps or something like that to the top so you can figure it was a long way to the top and really high at that!! It's like a concrete tunnel when your climbing to the top and since it's leaning, when you start to walk up it you kind of feel loopy! Me and Mary Shannon kept getting motion sickness because it felt like you were about to fall forward. It was a crazy feeling! Well once we were at the top I DID NOT let go of the rail! My knees were shaking so bad I could barely walk! I understand my mom now and why she is so scared of heights. haha The view though was absolutely beautiful!! You could see the city miles and miles away and if you looked a little further you could see the mountains! It was gorgeous! Oh and I forgot one of the coolest things ever... there was this small beautiful church, kind of like a small palace like church. Well we had all wondered what it was because it was sitting right beside the edge of the the river before the bridge. Mary Shannon decided to look it up and we found out that it holds one of the thorns from Jesus's Crown of Thorns!! How amazing is that! Talk about feeling like your close to God, wow me and Mary Shannon felt like we were just hanging out with him when were standing right beside the church! Once we got back into town we had planned to go to Sienna on Sat. but I got sick so I couldn't go. Chrissy our other roomate had been sick and it just came through all of us, so we have all been sick :( I was really sad that I missed that trip but Mary Shannon said she had an awesome time and that it was beautiful so I was excited she still got to go. We have been so excited about the Superbowl and our school was hosting a party for everyone so that we would have a place that we could all meet up and all watch the game together. It was soooo much fun! It was at this place called Space Electronica which was this awesome club! It was so cool inside, it had a huge dance floor and the bar was a fish tank, I mean the layout of this place was awesome! The Superbowl of course didn't start til like 1 or 2 in the morning so none of us got home until about 5:00a.m but it was so worth it. Me and Mary Shannon kept saying how we felt like we were back in Arkansas just hanging out and watching football :) We loved it! So now you all are pretty much caught up to date with us. Well my 21st is coming up and I am so excited however I won't really be able to appreciate it until I get back into the states and can use my i.d!!!! We are going to Venice for Carnivale and to celebrate my birthday!! Carnivale is like a huge festival kind of like mardi gras but way better! You have to wear a cape and mask like the whole time you are there, it' s like tradition so we are thinking that is going to be a really cool experience! We are staying in our first hostel so I'll let you know how that turns out! Sorry again that it has taken me so long to update you all!! Oh and me and Mary Shannon are trying to figure out how to post pictures on here so hopefully here pretty soon you will have something to look at. I have posted a bunch of pictures on Facebook but it's kind of hard to view them if you are an adult because you don't have an account :( so we will try to figure out a way so that yall can see them on here. Well I have to go shopping for my brother for his birthday but I 'll keep ya posted! Miss you all.... Talk to ya soon!! :)


melanie said...

It sounds like you girls are having a blast. How exciting to be spending your 21st birthday there. We are all so excited that you are taking a cooking class. We expect a cooked meal and many tips. We love and miss you.

Kim M said...

Cooking classes sounds so exciting - take good notes so you can teach me when you get home. Take Vitamin C so you don'tget sick and miss anymore trips! Carnivale sounds awesome - can't wait to hear all about it! Im going to miss you on your birthday. I'll take you out to do something "21ish" when you gt home! Love you and miss you
Aunt Kim

StephF said...

Kels - sounds like u r having a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it and get tips on where to go whenever I finally get a chance to go! Have a great bday!

Amanda said...

I am so jealous right now!! It sounds like you are having the time of your life!! And your birthday experience will be somethig that you remember for a lifetime...who can say that they spent their 21st in Italy..not many. Stay safe and can't wait to read the next update. Miss ya!!

Tori House said...

KiKi!!! How the heck are you? Good i'm sure! Thats awesome about your cooking class, you must cook me dinner when you get back! Tomorrow is your birthday babygirl!! I want you to go to a bar or club....find the hottest, sexiest guy there....tell him to buy you the most expensive drink they have. That one's from me...i sent him to you for your birthday!! I miss you girl! Hope you're having a blast in italy, but i sure do miss ya here in Arkansas!! LOVE YOU GIRL!!

*tori jane*