Saturday, January 13, 2007

One week

Via Santo Spirito: street we'll live on!

Now there's only one week until we leave! This past week we received our new cell phone numbers, apartment address, roommates, and a long list of rather scary information about our possibly 700 year old apartment!! We've been warned not to be too loud because our Italian neighbors can hear everything through the thin walls, not to walk around barefoot in the apartment so as not to get bed bugs, and not to expect showers longer than up to ten minutes... However, we also got a long list of amazing cafes, trattorias, museums, pubs, pizza eateries, and fresh markets around our new home! Guess you must adapt to a 'new' way of life to enjoy the AMAZING! Please continue to add us in your prayers daily as we begin to try and pack!


Kim M said...

OMG!! I am so excited for you both! This will be one of THE greatest experiences of your lives. I will miss you, but can't wait for you to have a fabulous trip. Keep me posted about what is going on. I will check the blog often! Love you and praying for you and can't wait to meet you Mary Shannon!!

brittblue said...

mary shannon! i'm thinking about ya'll and i hope your trip went smoothly. i love you and keep me posted on everything that's going on. i know i can't call now and you be a little screener but really i want to know what ya'll are up to:) be safe and have so much fun. miss u already!

Kim M said...

are you there yet? cant wait to hear from you!! i hear you had some luggage and airplane issues. can't wait to hear all about it!!
love ya
aunt kim

Mary R. Smith said...

You girls be careful. Let me hear all the fun your having. Love You,