Saturday, January 27, 2007

Kelsi K : Hey again.... So today me and Mary Shannon sletp our lives away. Last night we met up with Paul Waddell who goes to school with us in Fayetteville. We hung out with Paul and his brother Frank and had alot of fun. Paul was sharing with us how he has been mugged like 4 different times. Of course we were all laughing and so was he considering we haven't been yet and we are girls and he is a guy. Neways they introduced us to these 3 guys from Sweden who are also studying here in Florence and they were really kool! One of the guys who was a fashion science major taught me to count to ten in Swedish!! Yep yall heard it right I can count in Swedish!! Pretty sweet huh!! haha neways we hung out with all them for awhile and then came home and slept alot today. We got ready and went to church at the Duomo!! WOW amazing!! When you walked in everything was just so massive. The priest was great!! It was kind of hard to pay attention cuz we were just so amazed by everything and kept looking around but we will get use to it eventually when we go there every Sunday and get in a routine of it. We felt so holy when we were there haha it was awesome. We went with our 3 guy friends Nick (Ohio), Joe(Wisconsin), and John (Wisconsin). They are all catholic as well so it was a pretty cool experience. Oh yea when we were walking to church we walked past this guy who was yelling in a microphone with other ppl surrounding him with signs and police everywhere. I think they were yelling at a person in a hotel like must be some important polical person or something. We thought it was kind of cool that we witnessed that! Um.. well i think that about covers everything so i'll talk to you all soon!! Love yall!!


Micki said...

I am so proud,yet still in disbelief that this is "MY" little
girl experiencing these memories!
Continue to explore and enjoy, and
know that you are in our thoughts
every minute of every day!
p.s. i just had to leave you a comment....0 responses! Where are
all those dancers (reading-yet not
writing) and the relatives! Where are your communication skills? ha

rachel said...

hey Kelsi
sorry i havent commented yet...i have been reading all your stories and it seems like yall are having a blast! we are thinking about you and really like reading about your exciting life haha but Be careful and have fun :)

Rachel Morris

melanie said...

We are so glad that you have arrived and are safe. I am so glad that you are loving it. Enjoy every single minute. I am so very jealous!!!! I still can't believe that you are there. Watch your purse...Ha.. We love you.