Friday, January 26, 2007

Hey again... Well Me and Mary Shannon are getting a little more settled now. We went to the supermarket yesterday which was quite an experience let me say!! Nothing obviously is in english so shopping was a little hard. We just kind of looked at the pictures and the packaging and went from there!! haha if it looked good we got it! The store is so small and everyone is just running into each other like crazy! We also had an experience with a pick pocketer who was really weird looking. This undercover police guy came in and told a woman to hold onto her purse because of this guy well we overheard and so we got a little nervous. Of course me and having bad luck I was in the back by myself why the girls were checking out and I see this same guy looking at me through the frozen food section glass window. Well it was a huge adrenaline rush to say the least because you know he is not going to hurt you in the store with everyone there but that he is going to try and steal from me!! Well after about 10 minutes of watching and following me I guess you could say my dad's side in me came out and I wasn't scared and I just turned around to him smiled and shook my head, patted my purse and said nope then turned away and walked off!! haha I tend to sometimes feel that i am invincible when I know i'm not! haha But he left me alone and we all got our stuff and left. It has been raining cats and dogs here and we wanted to go out with these girls that we had met, all yankees, haha so we met up with them and headed out to go to a bar however it ended up being an adventure we would rather not be apart of. I bet you we walked in circles for an hour and a half in the pouring rain, dripping wet from head to toe. We finally found it and when we went in it was such a quite more conservative place and here we are dripping wet not looking cute in the least bit. I guess you could say we were ready to leave as soon as we got there. That wasn't such a good night but then last night we met up with some more yankees and went and ate and went to this other place that had american music playing and it was awesome!!! We all had a blast. Yeah i'm pretty sure that me and Mary Shannon are the only southern girls here while everyone else is yankees. There is alot of differences like when we were eating i guess you could say me and Mary Shannon are pretty loud and of course get excited about telling stories and things like that. Well the place that we went and ate at was a very quite place and so you know us our voices were so loud and all the italian waiters got a kick out of that! I know mom you wouldn't be very excited about me telling this story cuz you have taught me better (luv ya)... haha but me and Mary Shannon ordered a pizza along with everyone else however when we got it we were eating it with our hands and EVERYONE else had silverware in their hands. hahah I guess you could say it was a little awkward but of course we just all laughed!!! Oh yea we also went to orientation which lasted a lifetime!! The best story is at coffee break. We all went downstairs to drink coffee well me and Mary Shannon didn't we were just trying to find a coke which never happened! So we were just standing around and Mary Shannon decides to get something to eat so she turns and gets a cookie and starts to eat it.... keep in mind the place we were in was beautiful and has been there hundreds of years... ok so she is eating this cookie and it starts crumbling everywhere well she doesn't reach for a napkin and doesn't block it with her hand she leans over and lets it go all over the floor!!! haha She was like I didn't want to get it on my Noth Face!!! OK so you can see us in the middle of the room dying laughing. Hey me and Mary Shannon never have a dull moment. Then we were heading back upstairs when we see this girl tumbling down the stairs omg ok we lost it. That was just one of those things you couldn't quit laughing but Mary Shannon helped her up and she was ok and then we just all laughed. At this point even the slightest thing is hilarious to us I mean hey when your sitting in a chair listening to these ppl talk you find ways to entertain yourself and i guess you could say we definately did!! haha. Oh but on a serious note the guy talking to us told us that we americans always think we are sick and need medicine and then he went on saying that 8 to 10 ppl spent time in the hospital here in Florence. Well of course what do you think it was from??? KIDNEY STONES!! Ok been there had that... the most painful thing ever and I actually still have 5 in me so I'm of course freaking out... just my luck get over here and then decide to pass them!!!! Pray for me that I don't!!! Today we actually got up early and went to go get me a straightner! oh yea reminds me of another story ok so my straightner doesn't work so i decide to iron my hair yes with a real iron. Desperate times call for desperate measures!! Mary Shannon put my hair on the table and took a iron to it!! If yall no me then yall have to know I have a head full of hair so I HAVE to straighten my hair!! Well it worked and so today I went and bought and straightner so we are all good now!!! We also walked pass the the Duomo today which was breath taking!! It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!! We even get to go to church there tomorrow at 5 so i'm pumped about that!! I'll let you know how it turns out!!! Talk to ya soon!!! LOVE YALL!!


Liz Tingquist said...


I've enjoyed reading your blogs... I am proud of you and knew that you would fall in love with Florence. Just beware of all Italian men, not just the pick pockets!

Sorry I didn't get to see you before you left - it's this high paying job of mine!

I'm looking forward to reading all your exploits.

Y'all are in my prayers every day.

I love you.

Meghan said...

oh in addition to the comment left before me about italian men.. if they say 'Ciao' and you say 'ciao' back then they will probably expect a conversation after that. I replied too often b/c it's just what you do here but on occasion it didn't work out to be just a nice gesture.