Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bride To Be!! Mrs. Metrailer

Hey guys! I am so glad Mary Shannon got on here last year and give our blog a bit of closure. Now that the time has come....I just had to log back on once more and tell everyone that come Sat. April 21, 2012 our very own Mary Shannon will officially become Mrs. Metrailer! Mary Shannon and I's journey has turned into 7 years of fun, exciting, scary, sometimes sad, happy, crazy memories. We have now been living together for 7 years! It's crazy because it feels just like yesterday that we met! Although she will be officially closing the "single" chapter of her life let me just say "the best is yet to come." I have had so many amazing memories with my very best friend as you have witnessed several of them from this blog and come Sat. I will be standing next to her as her maid of honor as she enters the next phase of her life as Mrs. Metrailer! What a wonderful ending to an amazing journey! Mary Shannon is the true definition of a true and loyal friend! She's got a heart made of gold and no one deserves happiness as much as she does! As I was working on my Maid of Honor toast I couldn't help but reflect back to this blog and relive such an amazing journey that we had and of course also pick my favorite stories because believe it or not....there is a time limit on toasts! haha We all know I am a story teller so the fact that I was going to have to limit my story telling....well stressed me out a bit so I had to pick my favorite stories! So long story short after we returned back from Europe, Mary Shannon had to move to Little Rock to finish up on her nursing and I had to stay in Fayetteville one more year without her :( But sure enough it wasn't too much longer until I received a phone call that there was this guy (Aaron Metrailer) that she was thinking about having lunch with but assured me it was no big deal she was just going to feel him out and see what kind of guy he was. Sure enough 4 years later she's marrying that same guy! Aaron is currently an ENT resident and lives in LR pretty close to me and Mary Shannon so when she does move out she won't be far away :) He has such a great heart and is so much fun to be around! Most importantly he loves Mary Shannon more than anything in the world and wants to call her his wife. That alone allows him to pass that best friend test that we all know about. ;) Needless to say they will be getting married this coming weekend and I will be sure to post a bridal pic because they are absolutely gorgeous! What a happy ending to a wonderful journey! When talking with my 13 year old sister about the true meaning of friendship only one person comes to mind and that is Mary Shannon! Only when I start to describe our friendship to my sister do I tend to tear up (of course I'm the emotional one) because it is then that I realize the relationship that me and Mary Shannon have is rare and hard to find these day! I am blessed to have someone like Mary Shannon in my life! She has taught me more than she would ever know! We have seen the good, the bad, and occasionally the ugly... and I have learned so much from her that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. To my very best friend....Mary Shannon....With every ending there is a beginning. While the end of our crazy singles days may have changed now that your married it has not changed our friendship! I look forward to all the new experiences we will share in the future! I love ya MSD! Your going to make a beautiful bride and I am extremely honored to be standing next to you as you and Aaron exchange vows and you become Mrs. Metrailer! :) Love ya and let the party begin! :)

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